Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"It's a piece of wood."

I'm starting to think I could write a book about the things Cora says. She had a really bad day today. I don't know if it was the moon, or what - but she was not a happy camper most of the day. So this evening, after several rounds with her, I decided we needed a 'spanking stick'. We were out in the garage and I looked around until I found the perfect thing - a long, thin piece of wood (Cory pointed out that Grandpa mentioned when he was here one time that it would make a good spanking stick). I explained to her what it was and why we would need to use it. And she said without missing a beat, "That's not a spanking stick. *pause* It's a piece of wood".

Well -- I tried REALLY hard not to laugh -- I hope she didn't catch me. But I finally straightened up and told her that yes, it was a spanking stick. She kept saying over and over "It's not a spanking stick" - almost as if she was making fun of me. I finally told her if she didn't stop saying that, I was going to SHOW her that it WAS.

If you know Cora very well - she's not going to give in very easily, so of course, she said it AGAIN. At that point, I had to follow through. I told her to bend over and touch her toes, and I gave her a not-too-hard but enough-to-feel little swat. She stood up and her eyes were really big - I think the light bulb turned on. She didn't cry or anything at all - I know it didn't really hurt -- but it was enough I guess. Because she looked right at me, and with this VERY matter-of-fact voice said "It's a spanking stick!".

Cory bent over laughing and I had to turn around to let my grin out. And so, now we have a spanking stick -- sitting on top of the fridge for now. We'll see how this goes!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ellie is turning One!

Well -- Ellie's 1st birthday is tomorrow (Sept. 19th). So hard to believe! I almost cried this morning when I realized her birthday is actually tomorrow! I'm just not ready for her to be one yet -- it's really strange. Anyway - here is her birthday invitation:

Her party is Saturday - we'll have more pictures to show after the party!

Monday, September 15, 2008

A sign of the future?

I'm wondering if this is a sign of things to come during the teenage years at the McMillan homestead....

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Pohlman Reunion ~ 2008

Our Pohlman Family Reunion was held the weekend of August 29~31. It was a great time. Lots of great people, food & fun!

Here is a group picture. I have tons more pictures (of course!) & will be getting them out for all to see as soon as I can!